The Early SKILLZ program can help them learn appropriate behavior in a fun setting. Does Your 3-4 Year Old Struggle with Self-Control?
Three and four-year-old children are naturally curious. They’re restless and eager to explore their surroundings – and to test boundaries and establish their identities. They might not be ready for the rigid structure of a traditional martial arts class, but they do need to start learning about appropriate behavior.
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They are shy and may have difficulty approaching other kids – or sharing in a play situation.

They don’t pay attention to their surroundings and may end up being unintentionally destructive as a result.

They lack control and can’t stay in one place long enough to eat a meal or watch a movie.

It’s exhausting, and it’s not uncommon for parents to feel frustrated as they try to get their young children to behave, sit still, and be aware of what’s going on around them. Getting them to participate in any group activity can be difficult at best, particularly when the activity doesn’t take their natural inclinations and developmental needs.
The key to helping kids at this age gain control is to teach them basic skills while entertaining them. With calm and steady guidance, they can learn to understand basic martial arts skills – and acceptable martial arts school behavior – and have fun, too!
Early SKILLZ gives young children the basic skills and discipline they need to succeed. While they learn simple martial arts moves such as kicking, punching, blocking, crawling, and jumping, they also grasp valuable lessons about social conduct. Over time, Early SKILLZ students learn how to control their movements, follow directions, and interact with students and teachers.
Students learn to be aware of themselves, others, and their surroundings, and to control their movements accordingly.
By learning basic martial arts moves, they build muscle coordination and become increasingly aware of spatial awareness.
Kids learn how to pay attention to verbal commands when they are given, and to avoid tuning out when something seems complicated.
By learning how to focus and ignore distractions, kids learn how to follow verbal instructions – and to remember them without needing reminders.
Kids learn how to manage anxiety and negative feelings, and not to give up when they are frustrated or upset.
Early SKILLZ includes training to help kids learn the value of persistence as they pursue achievable goals in a supportive setting.
Our Experience with Early Skillz 3-4 Class
Find out how to get a FREE 1 on 1 session and EXCLUSIVE age specific fun Eval for your child.
Yes. Our Early SKILLZ program teaches kids to have greater self-control and not to let negative emotions affect their behavior.
Yes. In our Early SKILLZ program, kids are part of a supportive community where all students are taught to respect one another and to share information.
It can. Learning basic martial arts moves helps kids learn to be aware of their own bodies, and that leads to greater physical self-control and less destructive behavior.
Yes. It’s common for students to require more than one attempt to earn a new belt. We teach them that trying is the most important thing – and that persistence pays off.
Our Early SKILLZ program puts kids into a fun social setting where they are part of a community. Students are taught to support and respect one another and to build age-appropriate relationships.
Yes. Our Early SKILLZ environment encourages kids to control negative emotions and to respect themselves and others – skills that are very important in a classroom setting.
Yes. Our Early SKILLZ program provides kids with a series of achievable goals to pursue. Some will be more difficult than others, but every child learns the value of perseverance.
Yes. Children in our program must learn to follow verbal instructions, stay focused, and remember what they learn. By providing them with measurable goals, we teach kids the value of avoiding distractions.
Yes. One of the first things kids learn in Early SKILLZ is the importance of being respectful to their teacher and following instructions. The benefits of obedience are demonstrated as students reach their goals.
Find out how to get a FREE 1 on 1 session and EXCLUSIVE age specific fun Eval for your child.