The Core SKILLZ program builds physical agility, control, and resilience to help kids excel. Does Your 7-9-Year-Old Need a Challenge?
Seven to nine-year-old kids are intellectually curious and starting to mature emotionally – but they also may struggle with appropriate behavior and physical control. Our Core SKILLZ program is especially designed to help them learn martial arts in line with their overall development.
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They tattle on others without accepting responsibility for their own actions.

They have a hard time coping with losses and setbacks and may not demonstrate good sportsmanship.

They don’t remember what you or their teachers tell them and struggle with paying attention.
Kids between the ages of seven and nine have done a lot of maturing, but that doesn’t mean that your job as a parent is any easier than it was before – it’s just different. Your child might have attained some degree of emotional control but still have a hard time reacting appropriately when disappointed or upset. Likewise, they might not be willing to accept blame when they do something wrong, and yet be very quick to point the finger at others and tattle.
Since kids this age tend to be intellectually very curious, it’s important to engage them on their level and provide them with continual challenges to keep them interested in what they’re doing. Martial arts instruction is ideal because of its structure of ongoing learning and measurable achievements.
Our Core SKILLZ program works with kids to teach them how to accept responsibility for their actions, to manage negative emotions, and to pay attention to instructions and advice from their instructors. Our program teaches kids agility, courage, flexibility, and persistence in a way that allows them to build confidence. These skills translate from our martial arts studio to school – and to your home.
Older kids have better control than young ones, but they still may struggle with precision and accuracy.
The Core SKILLZ program builds on earlier martial arts training to help kids gain control of their bodies and build strength while improving their balance.
Kids are easily distracted and may have difficult focusing on tasks and situations.
We teach kids to tune out distractions and focus on one thing at a time – something that’s increasingly challenging in today’s electronic world.
Kids develop persistence and the determination to see their goals through to the end.
When they’re learning a new skill, kids may be afraid or give up easily instead of risking failure.
Core SKILLZ students learn to conquer their fears and persist even when they feel like giving up on a particular challenge or assignment.
Students learn how to disagree politely and to resolve disputes respectfully.
Many kids struggle with learning how to express disagreement without being rude or angry.
Our Core SKILLZ program teaches kids to speak up without disrupting others, and to figure out ways to resolve their challenges within the confines of the program’s structure.
Find out how to get a FREE 1 on 1 session and EXCLUSIVE age specific fun Eval for your child.
Yes. Kids in the Core SKILLZ program must pay attention to instructors and memorize moves if they wish to advance.
The Core Skillz program teaches kids that they must be accountable for their own behavior and actions. Accountability is essential our martial arts school and it’s a key life skill that kids will take home with them when the class is over.
Yes. It’s normal for kids to experience setbacks when they study martial arts. Some moves may require repeated effort to master, and the process teaches kids to handle disappointment and failure.
Our Core SKILLZ program helps kids to build focus and improve their memorization skills. Each of the skills we teach requires kids to remember what the instructors have told them and – in some cases – to memorize a series of moves. When kids learn how to memorize information, they can use that skill anywhere they need to use it – including in the classroom.
A fixation on fairness is common in kids of this age, but our program helps them understand that sometimes life isn’t fair – and also, to realize that in our martial arts school, all other kids face the same challenges they do.
Our Core SKILLZ curriculum is specifically designed with kids from ages seven to nine in mind. We want to challenge them without overwhelming them – and our instructors know how to motivate them and keep them on track. They’ll learn to accept challenges, not run from them.
Yes. One of the Core "SKILLZ" we teach is courage, which requires kids to dodge targets. While the targets won’t hurt them, they show kids that they can face opposition and still succeed.
Yes. Kids at this age still have some issues with fine motor skills, and we know that they’ll have trouble with some of the moves we teach at first. Our goal is to help them gain control and build strength and agility.
Find out how to get a FREE 1 on 1 session and EXCLUSIVE age specific fun Eval for your child.