When we think of heading over to the gym to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, we think of the long haul there, alone, then back and shower before greeting our partner, to explain what a great time we had, all the while as they stare at you blankly, “that sounds great, By the way I need you to…..”
One thing I have seen here at Icon BJJ Norwich over the years is an increase in couples taking up the sport of BJJ together.
Sharing the joy of not only getting in great shape together, but learning a functional skill and doing it “together”.
Sharing your love of the sport with your partner brings new life and joy into the relationship, as both partner now have a common goal and sport to share, chat about and use healthly competition to improve both their lives, with increased energy levels and mental stimulation.
Bjj Norwich Beginner Classes work to add these levels of fitness and skills as you go, so neither partner feels behind or out of place, meaning they can just get on with not only enjoying the training and fun environment Icon BJJ Norwich have created for the beginner, but enjoy each others company again and see each other in a new light.
Couples can be seen laughing, having fun and talking, something which has been lost in most places in todays world.
Another great reason this works so well is….. You can’t bring your phone on the training mats. Which means, you do have to focus on each other and not check the phone, every 30 seconds.
Add some spice to your relationship – Nothing says love more than working together to reach your goals, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. And do it together,
Icon BJJ Norwich