Hey, friends. Hey, Steve here. I’m just getting my shoes on, getting ready to go for a walk. And so I want to just quickly jump on here, create this video for you, and share with you what I believe truly is the number one key, the secret sauce, the magic ingredient, the code, the hidden code to help you reach a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt. Black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
What does it take? Who are these people that are getting these belts? Why is there only three percent of people that start jiu-jitsu, probably less, are making it all the way through from white belt to receiving a black belt? What’s the code? What’s the hack? Who are these people?
So I want to share that with you right now as I put my shoes on to go for my walk. So the first thing I want to share with you is it’s only one real simple thing. It’s so simple, anyone can do it if you can stick with it. And that is consistency. Showing up on a regular basis. Having that discipline to keep coming. Because there’s those days, those days that you don’t want to do things. Like if you ever go for a run or a walk or you want to work out, you’re making change on your diet, there’s those days where I’ll have a cheat day today. I’ll have a day off. Well, if you do that with jiu-jitsu, eventually they’re going to add up and they’re going to keep stacking up against you.
But the people, if you look around, the people that have a black are the people that always show up even on their bad days. For example, they show up, “I didn’t get my sleep last night. Instead of the day off, I’ll go in and do what I can.” Maybe they were over trained at the weekend. Monday rolls around, “I’m tired today. Shall I have a day off? No, I’ll show up and do what I can. I’ll show up. I’ll show up.” Consistently showing up. When you consistently show up in something like jiu-jitsu, that is the key. That is the reward. To keep coming even on the days where you don’t want to show up. The days you don’t want to do the walk. The days you don’t want to stay on the diet.
But if you can show up consistently and create a habit of discipline, it’s so powerful that the days that you don’t want to do it are the days you create the most from your training. Again, I truly believe if you look around anywhere, people that are wearing black belts are the people that just kept coming. They didn’t know how to quit. And if they did, they just didn’t want to.
Steve here. If you need some help changing that discipline and learning how to reach goals in your martial arts, your fitness, your mindset, or Brazilian jiu-jitsu of course, then why not send me a message or head over to my site? Hey, guys. Steve Cowan here. Catch you real soon.
I don’t really want to go for the walk, but away we go