You Are Perfect! Your Martial Art Is Perfect!
When I started Martial arts, Namely BJJ many years ago, I would look up to the most famous fighters, the best martial artists. They seemed like giants, hereos, Gods!
They seemed perfect and they are!
But it made me feel so small. I would think “They are the level of perfection, this is what I must become”
Everyone told me, “practice makes perfect!” To be like them, you need to practice until you are as good as they are.
But it’s NOT true.
Practice makes perfect = you are not good enough! YOU, can not be as they are! They are perfect! You are, well, you (not good enough)!
The idea of perfection, holds up a image that you and you alone percieve as perfection.
When in reality, we are all perfect, in our own way! It’s just impossible to copy the perfection of another! We simply are not them.
We are all created by god (or whatever force you see as our creator), therefore we are all perfect! Perfect to ourselves! We are the creator of our lives, from this day forward. No one else sees as we see, no one else knows what we know! Our martial arts are perfect, our life is perfect, we are perfect!
We simply need to learn to use our perfection, as we have been taught for many years, we are not good enough (perfect). Everyone else is, but not us. When in our eyes, we are the, ONLY, centre of perfection.
We are perfect, we are always uncovering new ways to use our perfection. By learning from others.
But we are good enough, we always have been good enough.
Since that small child in all of us said “We are perfect”, we have always been worthy of our perfect lives.
When we were alone, we were worthy. When we were down, we were worthy. At the brink of our darkest times, we were worthy. We just forgot those words!
We are perfect! We were created by perfection. How can we be anything else!
If your life is not as you want it, right now. Not perfect, you still have time, you create your days. You are in control and you are perfect.